





我國的兩大內(nèi)海, 一個是位于北方的_____________(填名稱), 另一個是________(填序號)


(1)遼寧。10)廣西。14)黃海(16)南海 (17)朝鮮(18)蒙古(19)遼東半島(21)雷州半島(20)臺灣島 (22)海南島 (13) 瓊州海峽



我國共有34個省級行政單位,包括23個省、5個自治區(qū)、4個直轄市和香港、澳門兩個特別行政區(qū)。據(jù)圖可知:為遼寧;為廣西;我國是世界上一個重要的海洋大國,擁有漫長的海岸線,我國自北向南依次瀕臨渤海、黃海、東海和南海。據(jù)圖可知:(14)為黃海,(16)為南海;我國面積遼闊。是一個海陸兼?zhèn)涞膰,陸上與朝鮮、蒙古、俄羅斯、哈薩克斯坦、吉爾吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、印度、尼泊爾、不丹、緬甸、老撾、越南14個國家接壤,隔海與韓國、日本、菲律賓、馬來西亞、文萊、印度尼西亞相望,半島和島嶼眾多,內(nèi)海通常是指陸地與陸地之間的狹窄海域,一般都擁有兩個以上的海峽與公海相接。渤海,瓊州海峽是我國的內(nèi)海。據(jù)圖可知:(17)為朝鮮,(18)為蒙古,(19)為遼東半島,(21)為雷州半島,(20)為臺灣島;海南島我國的兩大內(nèi)海, 一個是位于北方的(13)渤海, 另一個是瓊州海峽。


科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:



代表的大洲是 代表的大洲是 。

代表的大洲是 代表的大洲是 代表的大洲是

A代表的大洋是 C代表的大洋是 。

(2)①④兩個大洲的分界線是(填名稱) ;④⑤兩個大洲的分界線是(填名稱) 。

(3)四大洋中面積最大、最深、島嶼最多的大洋是(填名稱) ,形狀略呈S形的大洋是(填名稱) 。


科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:


(1)長江發(fā)源于__________________(地形區(qū))的唐古拉山。自西向東流淌,全長_______________千米,注入圖中的F處_____________ 海。它是我國水量最大、長度最長、流域面積最廣的河流。


(3)主要支流:嘉陵江 _________________________贛江。

(4)長江沿岸湖泊: C___________D__________。

(5)重要港口城市:和長江交匯形成的港口城市為G重慶 ,和長江H交匯形成的港口城市為_________________。

(6)重要水利樞紐工程(水電站):L ______________K______________。


科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:



A ;B ;C

(2)地球自轉(zhuǎn)的方向從南極上空看呈 (順或逆)時針旋轉(zhuǎn)。

(3)地球自轉(zhuǎn)的周期約為 天,自轉(zhuǎn)主要產(chǎn)生了 現(xiàn)象和地方時的差異。

(4)若從B點出發(fā),向東環(huán)繞地球一周回到B點,該行程全長約 千米。

(5)該圖所示太陽直射 (填緯線名稱),這一天是北半球的 日(填節(jié)氣),此時北京晝夜長短狀況是


科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:



A________洋 B_______洋


________洲 ________洲

(3)輪廓形狀像S的是 洋(填字母)。

(4)的分界線是____________運河,溝通 海和

(5) 高原, 山脈。


科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:



(2)位于我國地勢第一階梯的地形區(qū)是 C_____________。





科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:



A. B. C. D.







A.北京 B.河北 C.山東 D.江蘇


科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:


Cats are animals that live on land. They can be divided into two groups: big cats and small cats. Big cats are the larger animal species. Here are some materials about big cats.

Tigers are one of the largest cats. They live in the forests and marsh areas of South-East Asia, India, Russia and Southern China. Tigers mostly live alone and mainly hunt at night. Young tigers leave their mothers at about two years of age.

Lions live mostly on the larger grassland of Africa. Unlike tigers, lions are the most social of the big cats. They live in family groups and hunt together. There can be up to 35 lions in a group. They use speed and strength to catch and kill their prey.

Leopards live mostly in the forest on the edges of plains in Africa and Asia. New born leopards only open their eyes after 10 days. They spend much of the day resting in trees. They do most of their hunting at night. They eat almost any animal they can catch.

【1】When do tigers mainly hunt?

A.In the morning. B.At noon.

C.In the afternoon. D.At night.

2Lions live mostly in .

A.Asia B.Russia C.Africa D.India

3What do leopards often do in the daytime?

A.Rest in trees. B.Sleep in caves.

C.Look after their babies. D.Hunt small animals.


科目:初中地理 來源: 題型:


“Can I see my baby?’’asked the new happy mother

Unluckily,she found her baby had been_____without ears when it was in her arms

Time proved that the babys_____was perfectHe got on well with his classmatesBut one day,he rushed home and said to his mother_____tears in his eyes“A big boy_____me a freak(怪胎).”

As the boy_____,he developed a talent for art and music

The boys father had a meeting with the family doctor“Could anything_______

done?”He asked the doctor

“I believe I could graft(移植)a pair of outer ears_____you could get them,”the doctor said

Howevertwo years_____,nobody wanted to offer the young man earsThen one day the father said,“Son_____will offer his ears to youBut it’s a secret”The operation was a great______

Time kept the secret,but the day did come…The young man stood with his father______his mothers bodySlowly,the father held out a hand and raised the thick,brown hair______,the son found his mother had no outer ears

“Mother said she was glad she______let her long hair be cut”the father said gently·“and nobody ever thought Mother______beautiful,did they?’’

Real____ lies not in what is done and knownbut in what is done but not known

1A. active B. dead C. born D. awake

2A. speaking B. hearing C. writing D. reading

3A. of B. in C. around D. with

4A. called B. asked C. said D. told

5A. looked up B. grew up C. brought up D. caught up

6A. is B. was C. are D. be

7A. if B. until C. unless D. because

8A. went down B. got over C. went by D. arrived

9A. nobody B. someone C. anyone D. everyone

10A. succeed B. successful C. success D. failure

11A. between B. besides C. towards D. beside

12A. With interest B. To his surprise C. In silence D. With anger

13A. always B. often C. never D. sometimes

14A. less B. more C. most D. least

15A. idea B. friendship C. thought D. love

