Dear Andy

I’m in London now. It’s the c  86  of England. I enjoy everything here except the food. I dislike English food. I miss dumplings and noodles.  Of course I never  s  87   missing you.

Things here are quite d  88  from those in China. T  89 in England goes on the left of the road. And if you want to go the other side of a road, you can have many ways: a subway(地鐵), a footbridge or a zebra c  90  . And in some places, you can see black and white poles(桿). There is a button(鍵)on each of them. You can press the button to tell the drivers you want to cross the road. They usually stop their cars to let you go.

Taxis in London are really e  91  , so if you come to London, you should have enough m  92   with you. Taxi drivers are usually friendly. They are always ready to help you. And they must take exams b  93  they become taxi drivers.

London a   94   has the biggest underground system(系統(tǒng)) in the world. It’s easy to go the w  95   way if you are not careful.


Li Bing
















科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省啟東市東海中學(xué)初一下學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫(xiě)

Dear Andy
I’m in London now. It’s the c  86  of England. I enjoy everything here except the food. I dislike English food. I miss dumplings and noodles.  Of course I never  s  87   missing you.
Things here are quite d  88  from those in China. T  89 in England goes on the left of the road. And if you want to go the other side of a road, you can have many ways: a subway(地鐵), a footbridge or a zebra c  90  . And in some places, you can see black and white poles(桿). There is a button(鍵)on each of them. You can press the button to tell the drivers you want to cross the road. They usually stop their cars to let you go.
Taxis in London are really e  91  , so if you come to London, you should have enough m  92   with you. Taxi drivers are usually friendly. They are always ready to help you. And they must take exams b  93  they become taxi drivers.
London a   94   has the biggest underground system(系統(tǒng)) in the world. It’s easy to go the w  95   way if you are not careful.
Li Bing


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年新疆石河子十中初二上階段檢測(cè)(1710班)英語(yǔ)卷(解析版) 題型:書(shū)面表達(dá)



go to see my grandparents


go to the doctor



study for mid-term exam (期中考)


go fishing with my friends


go to the movies


practice the piano

Dear Andy,






                                                        Wang Ming



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:遼寧省中考真題 題型:寫(xiě)作題

     仿寫(xiě)明信片。 Andy的學(xué)生們正在外地度假。假如你是他的學(xué)生李紅,請(qǐng)參照左側(cè)Peter寫(xiě)給Andy

16 August                                                     
Dear Andy                                                     
Hello. We have been here for a week. We                       
came by bus. We are staying at the camp                       
in the picture. It is at the bottom of Mount    Andy Wong     
Kinabalu. We are going to climb the              Flat H.  20/F 
Mountain tomorrow.                                  Garden Mansion
Best wishes,                                              Beijing       
Peter                                                        China         
所乘交通工具 飛 機(jī)
住宿地 光明賓館
賓館環(huán)境與配套設(shè)施 花園購(gòu)物中心
明天活動(dòng)安排 參觀世博園 (the EXPO)
16 August                                                          
Dear Andy                                                          
Hello, we have been here for three days __________                 
__________________________________________________   Andy Wong     
__________________________________________________   Flat H. 20/F  
__________________________________________________   Garden Mansion
__________________________________________________   Beijing       
__________________________________________________   China         
                         Best wishes                                                        
                                                                                                              Li Hong


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:


16 August

Dear Andy

Hello. We have been here for a week. We

came by bus. We are staying at the camp

in the picture. It is at the bottom of Mount Andy Wong    

Kinabalu. We are going to climb the      Flat H.  20/F  

Mountain tomorrow.                  Garden Mansion 

Best wishes,                          Beijing 

Peter                               China


飛  機(jī)






參觀世博園(the EXPO)

16 August

Dear Andy

Hello, we have been here for three days                  

                                                        Andy Wong 

                                                        Flat H. 20/F 

                                                        Garden Mansion



Best wishes

Li Hong

