第一節(jié)  閱讀短文,判斷下列句子是否符合短文內(nèi)容。符合的寫“A”,不符合的寫“B”。(共5小題,每小題2分)

Water is the most important in our lives. Not Many people understand this but it’s quite true. The human body can go without food for a long time. We’ve got many examples for this. Yet two or three days without water can usually make people die. Man can’t live without water.

  Many people don’t understand how much water the human body needs to work well, and many people, especially young people, do not drink enough water, even in very hot weather. About two thirds of our body is water. When we do sports, some of the water will get away from our body. If we don’t drink some water, our body won’t have enough water. And if we don’t have enough water, we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill. So you know how important water is to us.

 But at present we face water crisis(危機). Water is becoming less and less. So, we should protect water resources(資源) and try our best to save water in our daily life. Here are some tips for saving water:

1. Turn off the tap(水龍頭) in lime.

2. Take shorter showers.

3. Don’t let water run while washing your face and reuse the water after we finish washing.

4. Encourage your friends and neighbors to join in the action of saving water.

41. Nobody can live without water.

42. About one third of our body is water

43. If one doesn't have enough water, he’ll feel tired and may get ill.

44. We’d better take longer showers and let water run while washing.

45. It’s our duty to protect water resources and save water.


41. A 根據(jù)這句話“Man can’t live without water.”得出答案。

42. B 從這句話“About two thirds of our body is water.”看出答案。

43. A 從這句話“And if we don’t have enough water, we’ll feel tired and many of us will get ill.”得出答案。

44. B 根據(jù)提示第二、三兩條,得出答案。

45. A 縱觀全文,得出答案。


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

We can see a playground      the two tall buildings.

A. between       B. among        C. in


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

—Let’s go dancing tonight.!

  —Sorry, I ________.I have to go to my guitar lesson.

  A. mustn’t              B. needn’t              C. can’t


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

This dictionary______ Tom's. It has Ann's name on it

A. might be  B. may be       C. can't be


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

23.  Linda has two Chinese friends.___ often talk in Chinese.

A. Their                                B. Them                         C. They


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

—Miss Zhou is very popular with the students.

—Yes. Her classes are_________ lively and interesting.

A. always B. sometimes C. hardly



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:









科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

“Who did this?”asked Miss Green.

  There were 30 children in the classroom and all were trying to think about not only what they did, but also what our teacher already knew.

  “Who broke this window?”  

  “Uh, Oh.”I thought. I was the one who broke the window with a football. I did not mean to do it. I would be in a lot of trouble. How could I pay for a big window like that? I didn't want to put up my hand. But I had to tell the truth. So, I put up my hand and told the teacher I broke the window.

   Miss Green went to the bookshelf and took down a book.

“I know how you like birds, Peter.”She said .“Here is a book about birds and the book is yours now. I will not punish you this time. But Peter, you should remember that I am rewarding (獎賞)you for your honesty(誠實), not for breaking the window.”

I couldn't believe it! The teacher didn't punish me and I was getting my very favorite book. Now, I still use that book, and it always reminds me of (使我想起)the lesson my teacher taught me.

   Honesty is always best.

56. Who broke the window?

57. How many children were in the classroom?

58. Where did Miss Green take down the book?  

59. What was the book about?

60. What can we learn from the story?


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

 摘錄信息,閱讀短文, 然后完成內(nèi)容摘要。(共5小題,計10分)

Sanya is in Hainan Province in southern China. It's still warm in winter. It's about 15℃ in the afternoon. Sanya has lovely beaches. The price of a hotel room is about 320 yuan a night.


Harbin is in northern China. It's very cold in

winter, sometimes -30℃. Tourists need to wear warm clothes. There is an Ice and Snow Festival in winter. A hotel room is about 230 yuan a night.

Beijing is not very cold in winter. It's about -10°C.

It doesn't often rain or snow. Hotels usually cut

their prices in winter. About 200 yuan a night is




61. of a hotel room


It's still 62. in winter.

About 320 yuan a night

63  .

It' s very cold in winter.

About 64   yuan a night


It' s not very cold in winter. It doesn't often 65 .

About 200 yuan a night

