(Board of Graduate Studies Admissions Office)
2708 Fltrp Wai
Yan She Da Sha
19# Xi Shan
Huan Bei Lu
Beijing 100089
Dear Li Hua,

Conditional Offer of Admission
I am very pleased to make you a conditional offer of admission as a Graduate Student at the University of Cambridge.This offer replaces any previous offer we may have made for this course and term of admission.Please read this letter and the explanation given in the accompanying booklet “An Explanation of Your Offer and Its Conditions” carefully.This letter and the booklet form a single document.
Your offer details are in two parts:the course we are offering you, and the conditions you must satisfy before we will admit you.The booklet tells you what each means and what you need to do to respond to the offer.
Your Course
Qualification:Master of Philosophy(Only)
Subject:Modern Society+Global Trans
Admission date:1 October, 2010
Supervisor:To be appointed.
Fee status:Overseas student.
Your Conditions
Finance:The YEARLY cost of your course is £18,002.
College:A condition of your admission is that one of the Cambridge Colleges offers your membership.The University is now seeking College membership for you, and will notify you when a College makes you an offer of membership.
Academic:You must graduate from your Bachelor’s degree with a final overall average of at least 90%.
Use our online self-service to check the progress and much more about your application: