

(1)描述清潔工工作的艱辛; (2) 假如沒有清潔工,環(huán)境會變得如何? (3) 你對平凡工作者的看法。






In our daily life some seemingly unimportant people actually play significant roles. Cleaners are among them.

There is no doubt that what a cleaner does is more harder compared with any other jobs in the society. On one hand, they must get up in the early morning every day to clean the street while we are still in the sweet sleeping dreams. On the other hand, they also suffer from less respect and lower pay, working all day on the street no matter what the weather is like.

Nobody could imagine what an bad environment we would live in if there were no cleaners in the city. Wherever we go, there is rubbish. Maybe we would soon be drowned in the mountain of rubbish. Even worse, if there were no change about that, diseases would spread at a very quick speed. Is there anything that can be worse than this!

From the above, I can draw the conclusion safely that even the smallest and the most ordinary job, such as cleaning the street is also the necessary part to keep the society going smoothly. Consequently, those who do those most insignificant jobs should get respected as much as those being engineers or doctors.


試題分析:考查半開放作文。本文屬于議論文短文,生活中很多平凡的人扮演著重要的角色。清潔工便是他們的代表。文章要求我們:(1)描述清潔工工作的艱辛(早起晚睡); (2) 假如沒有清潔工,環(huán)境會變得如何? (3) 你對平凡工作者的看法。使用第三人稱和一般現(xiàn)在時為主的時態(tài)。建議文章分為三段,三個要點(diǎn)各成一段,在寫作的時候盡量多使用高級結(jié)構(gòu),并多使用多樣化的句式,使文章更為豐富。


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Moving abroad can be a challenging experience. You leave your family, friends and everything you know behind. You enter a new culture where the customs and sometimes the languages are different. 【1】 . It’s a time to discover new things, make new friends and begin a new adventure.

So what are the best ways to involve yourself in the new culture while living abroad?

Live with a native speaker

__2 . First, you have a friend! Living alone can be a lonely experience, especially if you’re far from home. I’ve also had the opportunity to meet my housemate’s friends and socialize(交往) with them. 3 . In addition, you have someone to tell you about the cultural customs and interesting places in the area. 4 .

Socialize with the local people

5 The food in France is amazing and discovering new food is a fun experience. I’ve tried things that I’ve never tried before. My knowledge of the different bread and cheese types has grown greatly.

A. Try the local food.

B. But it’s also exciting.

C. I currently volunteer with homeless people

D. You can also speak the local language every day.

E. Improve my French vocabulary and understanding.

F. You can meet other people in the area by joining a club

G. There are many advantages to living with a native speaker


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


The Benefits of Keeping a Journal

If you want to grow, one important thing you should do is keeping a journal. It may seem simple, but it can make a big difference in your life. I have been keeping journals for years. Writing all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I get has become a habit for me. 【1】 Here are some benefits you will get by keeping a journal.

It prevents you from losing an idea. Have you ever gotten an idea only to lose it later because you didn’t write it down? I often experienced that myself. But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible. 2 I will then transfer the idea to the journal in my computer.

3】 By reviewing your journal, you can quickly see the lessons you’ve learned and the ideas you’ve gotten. Then you can do whatever necessary to avoid repeating the same mistakes. You can use the ideas to propel (鞭策) yourself forward.

◆It allows you to see your progress over time. After keeping a journal for years, you can look back at it and see how far you’ve gone. 4 . The raw ideas you had in the past might have been realized today.

It helps you expand your ideas. When you try to come up with a sentence to express an idea, you are thinking actively about it. 5 In the end, you will expand your ideas.

A. If I’m away from my computer, I usually write it down on a piece of paper that I bring wherever I go.

B. It trains you to express your thoughts.

C. Just use whatever tool you feel comfortable with.

D. Things that were big problems in the past might seem small today.

E. And to be honest, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without it.

F. Thinking actively helps you connect your idea to another idea.

G. It helps you review all the lessons you’ve learned.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


We think that life in Chinese high school is an adventure in which we have to survive mountains of homework and all kinds of exams. Yet would it be 【1】 (surprise) if I tell you that high school life in the US is almost as stressful and demanding 2 it is in China?

In US high school, everything must 3 (record) into your studying document, including your grades on quizzes, tests and final examinations. Failing 4 (turn) in your homework on time will directly affect your grade for a certain course. Perhaps completely different from 5 we used to think of the US high school students, they pay great attention to 6 (they) academic performance in order that they can get into a distinguished university.

Like university students, US high school students have the 7 (free) to choose the courses that most interest them. Even a ninth-grader can sit 8 the same classroom as 12th-graders. But this also 9 (mean) he or she has to work very hard, because the teacher will not treat him or her 【10 (different).


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Research on the human brain has been attracting the attention of more and more scientists in recent years. One of the latest research topics is how to change the human brain or combine the computer and the human brain, i.e., to transplant (移植) a chip into human brain. This innovation (創(chuàng)新) may make everyone’s dream come true. If we compare a human brain to a hard disc, what the scientists do is to enlarge the capacity (容量) of the hard disc. There are some difficulties in such transplant experiments, but scientists never give up.

Experiments were started on animals. In 1996, a transplant experiment performed at the Defense and Military Physiology Research Institute in the U.S. turned a bear into a dolphin.

The dolphin was named Ted, and the bear was named Tallin. Using the most advanced technology, deep and detailed studies were made of the swimming action memory area in Ted’s brain by the scientists. They got a lot of useful information. The information was saved into a button-sized chip, which was then transplanted into the action memory area in Tallin’s brain. The information saved on the chip was released by means of electric power.

Recently, another memory transplant was performed at the Motor Nerve Research Institute of the University of California. The transplant was performed from a dog named “Genius” to a dog named “Idiot”. “Genius” could understand and follow up to 100 gestures and orders made by its master. It was a real genius. “Idiot” was the younger brother of “Genius”. It had no contact with people at all since its birth. It became an animal with nothing in its brain, without any memory.

The operation was a complete success. When the two dogs woke up, “Idiot” had all the abilities “Genius” possessed. It could follow every gesture and order given by its master. But “Genius” gave no response to its master, and in fact did not recognize him at all.

【1】We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. the two experiments are about memory transplants

B. the scientists exchanged the dolphin’s and the bear’s brains

C. there is no possibility of changing the human brain

D. “Idiot” got only some abilities “Genius” possessed after the experiment

【2】The scientists did the two experiments to _____.

A. see if animals can be taught some special skills

B. see if animals can share some common knowledge

C. learn if it’s safe to do such transplant experiments

D. make preparative research on changing the human brain

【3】The underlined sentence “The operation was a complete success” in the last paragraph means that _____.

A. the dogs exchanged their memories

B. the dogs could live as before

C. the dogs were as clever as human beings

D. the dogs were safe

【4】It could be inferred from the passage that in the future _____.

A. human beings will be healthier

B. animals will be more tender

C. human beings may get knowledge more quickly

D. animals will cause more damage to the environment


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


【1】To our great _______(delighted), it worked perfectly.

【2】The school uses both modern and _________(tradition) methods for teaching reading.

【3】Finding the lost pen gave me a sense of __________(achieve).

【4】Good _______ (finance) condition leads to good health.

【5】The old man shook his head in _________(belief) when I told him I would go to the moon.

【6】A ________(標(biāo)題) on the front page draws attention to the story inside.

【7】Many people have trouble sleeping after a long _________(飛行).

【8】Our company was __________(建立) in 2003. That is to say, it has a history of more than 10 years.

【9】The female went up the stairs with light _________(優(yōu)雅的) steps.

【10】He doesn’t always call me up. He only calls me ____________(有時).


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:










科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:


Lesson 36 NCE Book 3

We are 【1】 than we used to be. In the nineteenth century, a novelist would bring his story to a conclusion by presenting his readers with 2—most of them wildly improbable. Readers happily 3 that an obscure maidservant was really the hero’s mother. A long-lost brother, who 4 , was really alive all the time and wickedly plotting to bring about the hero’s downfall. And so on. Modern readers would find 5 totally unacceptable.


科目:高中英語 來源: 題型:

【題目】Some pills many people take to achieve or maintain their desired weight will lower their life expectancy_____ they contain something harmful

A. so that B. in that C. even if D. as if

