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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】As early as the mid-18th century, some people began raising doubts about Marco Polo’s travels. They pointed to seemingly obvious omissions in his descriptions of the Far East. In 1995,historian Frances Wood argued in her book “Did Marco Polo Go to China?” that the famous explorer from Venice never made it pass the Black Sea. She noted that his travel journal The travels of Marco Polo” left out the Great Wall of China, chopsticks and tea drinking among other details. Furthermore, Chinese documents from Polo’s day make no mention of the explorer and his men.

Wood and other scholars have argued that Marco Polo based his tales of China on information collected from fellow trades who had actually been there. Last year, a team of Italian researchers became the latest skeptics to challenge Polo’s accounts. They said that archaeological evidence didn’t support his description of Kublai Khan’s Japanese invasions.

Now, however, research by Hans Ulrich Vogel of Germany’s Tubingen University might help prove Marco Polo was true. In a new book Marco Polo Was in China”, the professor of Chinese history counters the arguments most frequently made by skeptics. He tries to prove that Marco Polo spoke the truth. He suggests, for example, that Polo didn’t included the Great Wall in his book because it only achieved its great importance under the Ming Dynasty, several hundred years later. Vogel further explains that Chinese records from the 13th and 14th centuries routinely avoided setting down visits from Westerners.

Historians before him have touched on these issues while defending Marco Polo’s honor. But Vogel also relies on another evidence: the explorer’s very detailed descriptions of currency and salt production in the Yuan Dynasty. According to Vogel, Polo documented these aspects of Mongol Chinese culture in greater detail than any other of his time. This is a hint that the Venetian relied on his own powers of observation.

Will we ever know whether Marco Polo traveled to China? Perhaps not, but the consequences of his real of fictional journey are still felt across the globe. One reader of “The travels of Marco Polo” was Christopher Columbus, who stepped upon the New World while following in his Venetian idol’s footsteps.

【1】France Wood doubted Marco Polo’s travel’s to China because his description__________.

A. missed some important culture of China.

B. covered so much about trader’s life.

C. was full of obvious mistakes.

D. seemed less detailed.

【2】Vogel’s trust on Marco Polo is based on _______.

a. the Great Wall didn’t gain its importance then

b. records in Yuan Dynasty mentioned Polo

c. Polo’s mention of the currency and salt.

d. Polo’s other works are believable

e. Polo recorded what he saw in great detail

A. a, b, d B. a, c, d C. a, e D. b, c

3Which of the following shows the structure of the text?


科目: 來源: 題型:


Please do not sign your name.Mark the responses that most nearly reflect your teaching practices.This is one way to reflect your practices and how much you got out of it.

Keep one copy and give one to your tutor(s0.


0=never 1=rarely 2=sometimes (1-2x/ week)

3=moderately(3x/week) 4=often(4x/week) 5=daily

【1】According to the passage, who most probably mark the responses in the form?

A.Professional tutors.

B.Language teachers.

C.Personal physician.

D.Psychological therapist.

【2】According to the passage, which frequency degree would you choose if you carry out the practice in the form not at all often?





【3】Mr.Kent bears EXTENTION OF LEARNING idea in mind, he quite often tends to ______.

A.a(chǎn)lways set groups to encourage students to work out something by putting heads together

B.prepare grade-level materials for teaching

C.develop students reading skills during pre- while-and- post-reading stage

D.provide students with extra learning materials to further their study

【4】Mrs.Grace likes to share her version of tasks outcome in class, which could be labeled ____.






科目: 來源: 題型:



Are you interested in writing a novel? Well, if you want to be a good novelist, you’re supposed to avoid some common writing mistakes, the first one of which is not having a thunderous start.The first word, first sentence, and first page of your novel will decide if the reader wants to turn the page and keep reading.Having too much unnecessary information at the start and keeping the reader waiting for the real story can make him lose interest and give up on the book.You don’t want that to happen.All is well that “starts” well.

It’s also wrong not to have decided on an audience before writing your novel.Decide what kind of an audience your novel will cater to.Once you’re sure who will be reading it, you’ll know what style of writing you should adopt, the kind of language you will have to use.This gives you a direction and enables you to write better.

Another writing mistake is writing with your head, not with your heart.Every kind of reader should be pleased, every character should be perfect, every character should be likable, and the novel should have a happy ending.If these are your thoughts when writing a novel, you are probably not thinking straight.Writing with business or monetary gains as your aim should be discouraged as that affects what you really want to express.Write because you want to, not because you have to.

You also need to avoid writing too quickly or too slowly.If you are writing too slowly, it either means you are just too lazy or procrastinating (延遲).If you are writing too fast, you are either rushing it or are not giving yourself enough time to shape it.Neither of the two is healthy for your novel or you as a writer.Some sections might take longer than others and vice versa.Just maintain the required pace.

Using words and sentences that are neither appropriate nor rich is also a common writing mistake you should avoi

Words are all you have to make the readers feel what the character is feeling, to visualize what the protagonist (主人公) is looking at, or to imagine the coldness in the eyes of the criminal.If you confine (限制) your vocabulary to a limited set of words, you limit the experience of the reader.Anger is not the only word which can be used to express that emotion.Make use of words like fury, wrath, vengeance, rage and frenzy to express anger.Similarly, if a scene needs a dialog, don’t write a report or an essay there.Instead, spice it up by involving an animated, energized dialog.


科目: 來源: 題型:








I worked as the home health nurse in the very poor city in Florida. I was often very kindly to my patients, especially the elderly. One Christmas Day as I was cooking Christmas dinner to my family, I thought of some elderly people. They were my patients who always alone at home. So I decide to make more and deliver hot meals to them. I saw my two sons play in the house happily, and I made them stop. And I asked him to help me pack and deliver these meals. As we took the food into their poor houses with no heat, they were very moving and we saw tears of joy in their eyes. My sons learned of something priceless.


科目: 來源: 題型:







My sister saw a lovely cup when we were shopping the another day. She began to like it at Once. Then she bent down and picked it down to look at the price on them. As she did this, lots of teas splashed (潑灑)on her T-shirt! I had to try hard not to laugh at her shocking face! My sister was about to get out of the shop fast as she could when a shop assistant come over to us. It turned out to being her own cup, which she’d left on the shelf by the mistake. The assistant was clear as embarrassed (尷尬的)as my sister, but I just thought it was funny!


科目: 來源: 題型:

增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號( ),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。
Nowadays it's common for many high school student to skip (跳過) breakfast, leading to both poor school performance or damage to their health.
When asked why they skip the breakfast, some students say he think of breakfast as the least important meal of the day, and think it unnecessary, while others said they have too few time in the morning to have breakfast. And a third group, mostly girls who figures are their biggest concern, say they want lose weight to keep slim.
I strongly suggest that every student has breakfast properly every day, since breakfast can provide the necessary energy one needs. In addition, having breakfast can help you concentrate in class and study efficient.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】In 1940 the German army entered the Netherlands, beginning an occupation that lasted five years. Members of the Dutch royal family(荷蘭皇室) were forced to go to the United Kingdom to avoid being caught. However, the threat of German bombing attacks meant that England was not completely safe. For this reason Princess Juliana and her daughters, Princesses Beatrix and Irene, moved to Canada and settled in Ottawa. In January 1943 Juliana gave birth to a third daughter, Princess Margriet Francisca. The Government of Canada temporarily declared her place of birth as outside of Canadian land, meaning Margriet could hold Dutch citizenship and therefore still be qualified for the Dutch throne.

In 1945, the Dutch royal family returned home. Shortly after her return, Princess Juliana presented 100,000 tulip bulbs to Canada in appreciation of the important role played by Canadian troops in liberating the Netherlands and for providing her family with a safe place during the war. The following year she sent 20,500 tulip bulbs. Juliana continued to send thousands of bulbs as a yearly gift, a tradition that continued after she became queen in 1948. The gift of tulips is an ongoing tradition, and each year the people of the Netherlands and the Dutch royal family each send 10,000 bulbs to Canada in recognition of the close ties between the two countries. The gift of bulbs and the tulip flowers attracted interest and visitors in Ottawa. In 1952 Karsh, an Armenian-born photographer, suggested the idea of a tulip festival to the Ottawa Board of Trade. The first Canadian Tulip Festival took place in 1953. The first festival proved popular, and it became a yearly event. To mark the festival’s 50th anniversary in 2002, Canada Post issued a series of commemorative stamps(紀(jì)念郵票) and plates featuring the flowers and Princess Margriet returned to visit Ottawa. In the following years the festival began to focus more on international friendship and the festival’s historical origins. Now it is one of the world’s largest tulip shows.

1Why did the Dutch royal family move to Canada? (不多于5個詞)

2Why did Princess Juliana send tulip bulbs to Canada in 1945? (不多于7個詞)

3How often does Canadian Tulip Festival take place? (不多于4個詞)

4What is the passage mainly about? (不多于8個詞)


科目: 來源: 題型:




Friends in your life are like pillars on your porch.Sometimes they hold you up and sometimes they lean on you.Sometimes it's just enough to know they're standing by.Friendship doubles your joy and divides your grief.A friendship is priceless and should be cultivated.

●Remembering the golden rule

Without a doubt, the greatest human relations principle is to treat other people like you want to be treated.When you show respect for your friends and gratitude for their friendship, you'll be blessed in untold ways.

You can't know what has gone on in the rude person's life that day, but you can assume that his or her day hasn't gone well.Maybe a loved one lost his job, her boss reprimanded her unjustly, he's coming down with the flu, or she just found out that her teenager is taking drugs.

Whatever the cause of the rudeness, you don't have to accentuate(突出) the problem.A kind word or a gentle, understanding smile may help the person more than returned rudeness would.

Considering foes as friends

A friend looks after your own good.On the other hand, a foe is someone who isn't interested in your well-being.

Yet some students view their teachers as enemies.However, a student's success in school partly depends on the teacher's effectiveness in the classroom.Instead of being an enemy, a teacher who corrects you and helps you to achieve can be the best friend you ever had.

This kind of thinking, along with a little attitude adjustment, helps you to convert foes to friends, and both of you are better off.

Making friends by being an optimist

Do you enjoy being around a pessimist, someone who is generally described as being able to brighten up a room just by leaving it? The answer is obvious.Most people prefer to be around people who believe that tomorrow is going to be better than today, rather than people who believe that today is even worse than yesterday.

Capturing the pleasing personality

How do you develop a pleasing personality? Here are some steps you can take:

Smile when you see someone.You don't have to give a wide grin just a pleasant, friendly smile.

Speak in a pleasant, upbeat tone of voice.Talk to people as if they are good friends, even if they don't really fall into that category yet.

Take a course in public speaking.The ability to express yourself attracts favorable attention from many sources.

Develop a sense of humor.Pick up a couple of joke books.This makes you a little more outgoing and friendly.

Don't criticize unjustly

Instead of being eager to dish out criticism all the time, take the humane and sensible approach.Look for the good in others.Encourage them.Build them up.

Most people seldom think through each situation completely and consider the other person's point of view.If you take the time and effort to do this, you'll end up befriending more people.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Disney’s Family Magic Tour

Magic Kingdom park

Walt Disney World Resort

Valid Park Admission Required


Adult USD $ 39.00


Tuesday October 6,2015 10:00 AM

Put on Your Detective Hat!

Solve confusing mysteries on this high-energy interactive(相互作用的)search----you never know whom you might meet along the way!

Follow your Guide as you make way through Magic Kingdom park, picking up clue after clue while unlocking a splendid and memorable search you won’t soon forget.

Be sure to bring your camera to catch all the memorable surprises as you and your group wind your way through many of the magical lands throughout the park.

Know Before You Go

View important information including experience details, Guest restrictions and cancellation policies.

◆Children and the young at heart will enjoy this imaginative adventure, though it is best suited for Guests 4 to 10 years of age.Guests 16 years of age and under must be accompanied by a paying adult(18 years of age or older).

◆Pleases note that the tour involves a lot of outdoor walking for about 2 hours, so be sure to check the weather forecast and dress properly, including wearing comfortable shoes.Accordingly, the tour may be too difficult for some of our younger Guests.

◆Please check in at the Chamber of Commerce building close to City Hall 15 minutes before your experience.You will lose the entire price of your tour if you no-show or cancel within 2 days of your reservation.

◆Same-day bookings are available on a walk-up basis only.

1】What is encouraged to carry when travelling?

A.A camera.

B.A hat.

C.A mirror

D.A ticket.

2How much should be paid if a ten-year-old boy and his parents experience the park?


B.39 dollars.

C.78 dollars.

D.117 dollars.

3Why should the guests check the weather forecast and dress properly before the tour?

A.The tour includes about 2-hour outdoor walking.

B.The guests are so young that they can’t walk.

C.The bad weather can stop the normal tour.

D.The guests dress properly to make the tour happy.


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】A glass a day keeps obesity at bay. Alcohol has always been thought to cause weight gain because of its high sugar content, but new research suggests a glass a day could form part of a diet. Looking at past studies they found that, while heavy drinkers do put on weight, those who drink in moderation can actually lose weight.

A spokesman for the research team at Navarro University in Spain says,“Light to moderate alcohol intake, especially of wine, may be more likely to protect against, rather than promote, weight gain.”The Inter national Scientific Forum on Alcohol reviewed the findings and agreed with most of the conclusions, particularly that current data do not clearly indicate if moderate drinking increases weight.

Boston University’s Dr. Harvey Finkel found that the biologic mechanisms (生物學(xué)機(jī)制) relating alcohol to changes in body weight are not properly understood. His team pointed out the strong protective effects of moderate drinking on the risk of getting conditions like diabetes (糖尿病), which related to increasing obesity. Some studies suggest that even very obese people may be at lower risk of diabetes if they are moderate drinkers.

The group says alcohol provides calories that are quickly absorbed into the body and are not stores in fat, and that this process could explain the differences in its effects from those of other foods. They agree that future research should be directed towards assessing the roles of different types of alcoholic drinks, taking into consideration drinking patterns and including the past tendency of participants to gain weight.

For now there is little evidence that consuming small to moderate amounts of alcohol on a regular basis increases one’s risk of becoming obese. What’s more, a study three years ago suggested that resveratrol, a compound present in grapes and red wine, destroy fat cells.

【1】Who is the passage intended for?

A. Those who produce wine.

B. Those who have drinking habit.

C. Those who sell alcohol.

D. Those who wish to quit drinking.

【2】What does the phrase“in moderation”in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Excitedly. B. Carefully. C. Properly. D. Frequently.

【3】What can we learn from the passage?

A. Current data clearly show that moderate drinking increase weight.

B. Resveratrol is proved to increase the risk of becoming fat.

C. The specific roles of different types of alcoholic drinks are very clear.

D. The research found moderate drinking has a strong protective effect.

【4】What is most likely to be discussed in the paragraph that follows?

A. How to do some easy experiments.

B. How to reduce the calories contained in wine.

C. How to make wine in a healthy way.

D. How to prove the finding mentioned above.

