Household appliances


Teaching objectives:

To enable students to do the following:

1.      talk about household appliances

2.      describe processes

3.      exclaim


Language focus and difficult points:

Words and expressions:

… …

Sentence pattern:

What … ! / How … !

It’s almost the same as an ordinary TV.

First, … . Next, … .  Then, … .  Finally, … .

What’s the use of this button? / What’s that button for?

How’s it different from an ordinary TV, then?






1.      to learn the words and expressions, tuning in and have a brief introduction of the text

2.      to learn the text and discovering language

3.      to learn listening & speaking in Developing Skills

4.      to learn Reading & Writing in Developing Skills

5.       Revision and exercises














An English song: Two thousand miles to go


Step 1  Look at the pictures and tell the names of the household appliances


Ø         Household appliance:

Ø         Washing machine

Ø         Digital TV              remote control          inch

Ø         Vacuum cleaner

Ø         Air-conditioner

Ø         Refrigerator

Ø         DVD player

Ø         Dishwasher

Ø         Microwave oven

Ø         Toaster

Ø         fan


Ø         Turn on

Ø         Turn up

Ø         Select

Ø         Press 

Ø         Power

Ø         Volume



Which of these household appliance can you use to:

l         wash clothes?

l         clean your house?

l         watch movies with better picture and sound?

l         brown your bread?

l         control a household appliance?

l         play DVDs?

l         clean your dishes?

l         prepare food quickly?

l         keep your food cold?

l         make the air in your room colder or warmer?


Step 3  Talk about the usage of the household appliances in pairs.


1.       Listen to the tape recorder of the text twice. (books shut)

2.       Answer the following questions:

a.       Where are Li Hui and his cousin?

b.       Li Hui’s family have moved into a new housing estate, haven’t they?

c.       What have they bought for their new flat?

d.       What are they?

e.       Which appliance is Li Hui’s cousin interested in?

3.       Listen and read after the tape.

4.       Do Comprehension Check


IV. Homework:

Oral work:

Read the words and text

Written work:

1. Copy the words and expressions

2. Comprehension check in workbook






























I.                    Revision:

Read the words and expressions


1.       Read the text once, then check the Comprehension Check

2.       Language points:

the same as

e.g. Your computer is the same as mine.

       Her hair is the same colour as her mother’s.


press  vt.

e.g. He pressed the doorbell.

       Just press this button, and you’ll start the air-conditioner.


turn on / off

e.g. He turned on his desk lamp and started to do his homework.

       Shall we turn on the television and watch the news?

       Please don’t turn off the radio.


select  vt.

e.g. I’d like to select some cards for Christmas.

       We selected eleven people for our class football team.


turn up / down ( the volume )

e. g. I can’t hear very well.  Could you turn up the volume?

       The room isn’t warm enough.  Would you please turn up the air-conditioner?

It’s too noisy.  Please turn down the TV.


way of life

e.g. Do you know anything about the American way of life?

       Modern technology has caused great changes to people’s way of life.


What … ! / How … !

e.g. What a bright student he is!

       How bright the student is!

       How well you look!


First, ….  Next, … .  Then, … .  Finally, … .

e.g. A: Could you tell me how to use the washing machine?

      B: Sure.  First, put in the clothes and soup powder.  Next, press ON to turn on the power.  Then, press START to start washing.  Finally, press OFF to turn off the power.


3.       Read and role play the text.


III.               Discovering language:

1.       Read the dialogue and answer the questions: (TB P.150 )

2.       Rewrite the sentence:

a.  T: Our classroom is very tidy!

S1: How tidy our classroom is!

S2: What a tidy classroom ours is!

b.  T: Shanghai is developing fast.

        S1: How fast Shanghai is developing!

c.       T: We’ve read an interesting book.

S2: What an interesting book we have read!

3.       (WB P.78 ) Language focus EX. II


IV.               Homework:

Oral work:

Read and recite the words and expressions.

Written work:

Language Focus in WB

























I. Revision:

1. Recite the words and expressions

2. Role play the text


II. Developing skills:

1. Review numbers and the names of the counties

2. Listening:  Listen to the dialogues, and complete the table about household appliances.

²        Listen to tape recorder twice

²        Check

²        Listen to the tape recorder again


3.       Speaking:  Pair work: talking about how to use the household appliances after the model.

²      Read the phrases in the box and the model

²      Work in pairs

²      Ask a few pairs to act out in class

²      Ask the Ss to talk about some other household appliances


III. Homework:

Oral work:

Read and recite the text

Bring a small household appliance or find an introduction of a household appliance from home,

Give instructions about how to use it

Written work:

Skill Focus in WB

















Period Four



I. Revision:


1. They have bought new household appliances for their new flat.

2. Li Hui’s cousin came to visit their new home this morning.

3. What a big TV is!

4. This new model of digital TV is made in Japan.

4.       Do you know how to use this machine?

5.       The new digital TV is almost the same as an ordinary TV.

6.       First, press this button to turn on the TV.  Next, you can use the remote control to select the channels.  Then, press these buttons to turn up or down the volume.  Finally, you use this button again to turn it off.

7.       The picture and sound are far better on a digital TV than on an ordinary one.


II. Developing skills:

Ex.3  Bring a small household appliance from your home.  Work in groups of four and take

      turns to give instructions about how to use it after the model.


Ex.4.  Reading

Notes to the reading:

 get rid of

e.g. It’s time to get of all those old toys.

   You should get rid of your bad habits.


 by hand

e.g.  This wooden sweater is knit by hand.

These toys are all made by hand.


 With the help of

e.g.  You can find more information with the help of the Internet.

     With the help of the medicine, he got better very soon.


III. A survey:














Additional words and expressions


VCR/ videocassette recorder                answering machine

(blank) videotape                         cable TV

video camera                            Iron

stereo system                            hair dryer

speaker                                 electric fan

tape recorder                            electric razor

tape / cassette                            coffeemaker



1. Do Chinese families use more household appliances than before?

2. What does that mean?  Does it mean that Chinese people’s lives are getting better and better?

3. Is our country developing very fast?

4. What shall we do to help our country develop even faster in the future?


Writing: Write six to eight sentences about household appliances.

       Complete the exercises in Lesson by lesson practice




























I. Warming up:

A  report on the survey


Skill Focus in WB

1.       Listen to the following dialogues and choose the vest answers

2.       Suppose your partner does not know how to use the following appliances.  First complete the instructions below with sentences from the box.  Then practise in pairs after the model.

3.       Work in pairs and talk about household appliances in your homes after the model.

4.       Read the passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false.


III. Homework:

Review L.3
