He has no concept of wrong and right.= He can't tell right from wro闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈囩磽瀹ュ拑韬€殿喖顭烽幃銏ゅ礂鐏忔牗瀚介梺璇查叄濞佳勭珶婵犲伣锝夘敊閸撗咃紲闂佺粯鍔﹂崜娆撳礉閵堝洨纾界€广儱鎷戦煬顒傗偓娈垮枛椤兘骞冮姀銈呯閻忓繑鐗楃€氫粙姊虹拠鏌ュ弰婵炰匠鍕彾濠电姴浼i敐澶樻晩闁告挆鍜冪床闂備胶绮崝锕傚礈濞嗘挸绀夐柕鍫濇川绾剧晫鈧箍鍎遍幏鎴︾叕椤掑倵鍋撳▓鍨灈妞ゎ厾鍏橀獮鍐閵堝懐顦ч柣蹇撶箲閻楁鈧矮绮欏铏规嫚閺屻儱寮板┑鐐板尃閸曨厾褰炬繝鐢靛Т娴硷綁鏁愭径妯绘櫓闂佸憡鎸嗛崪鍐簥闂傚倷鑳剁划顖炲礉閿曞倸绀堟繛鍡樻尭缁€澶愭煏閸繃宸濈痪鍓ф櫕閳ь剙绠嶉崕閬嶅箯閹达妇鍙曟い鎺戝€甸崑鎾斥枔閸喗鐏堝銈庡幘閸忔ê顕i锕€绠涙い鎾跺仧缁愮偞绻濋悽闈浶㈤悗姘卞厴瀹曘儵宕ㄧ€涙ǚ鎷绘繛杈剧悼閹虫捇顢氬⿰鍛<閻犲洦褰冮埀顒€娼¢悰顔藉緞婵炵偓顫嶉梺闈涚箳婵兘顢欓幒鏃傜=闁稿本鐟ч崝宥呯暆閿濆懏鍋ョ€规洏鍨介弻鍡楊吋閸″繑瀚奸梻鍌氬€搁悧濠勭矙閹惧瓨娅犻柡鍥ュ灪閻撴瑩鏌涢幇顓犲弨闁告瑥瀚妵鍕閳╁喚妫冨銈冨灪閿曘垺鎱ㄩ埀顒勬煥濞戞ê顏╂鐐村姍濮婅櫣鎷犻懠顒傤唺闂佺ǹ顑嗙粙鎺楀疾閸洘瀵犲瑙勭箚濞咃綁鍩€椤掍胶鈯曢懣褍霉濠婂嫮鐭掗柡灞炬礉缁犳稒绻濋崒姘f嫟缂傚倷璁查崑鎾绘倵閿濆骸鏋熼柣鎾寸☉闇夐柨婵嗘处閸も偓婵犳鍠栫粔鍫曞焵椤掑喚娼愭繛鍙夌墪閻g兘顢楅崟顐ゅ幒闁硅偐琛ラ崹楣冩偄閻撳海鐣抽悗骞垮劚濡瑩鎯冮幋鐘电<閺夊牄鍔嶅畷宀€鈧娲樼敮鎺楀煝鎼淬劌绠抽柟瀛樼箓閼垫劙姊婚崒娆掑厡閺嬵亝銇勯幋婵囶棦妤犵偞鍨垮畷鎯邦槾闁哄棴绠撻弻锟犲炊閵夈儳浠肩紓浣哄閸o綁骞冨畡鎵虫瀻婵炲棙鍨甸惌婵嬫⒑缁嬫鍎愰柟鐟版喘瀵偊宕橀鑲╋紲濠电偞鍨惰彜闁稿鎸荤换婵嗩潩椤撶姴寮繝纰樻閸垳鎷冮敃鈧嵄濠靛倸鎲¢悡娆撴煠閹帒鍔滅紒鈧€n偅鍙忓┑鐘插暞閵囨繄鈧娲﹂崑濠傜暦閻旂⒈鏁嗛柍褜鍓涚划锝呪槈閵忊檧鎷洪梺鍛婄缚閸庤鲸鐗庨梻浣告贡鏋褌绮欏畷姘跺箳閺冨倻锛滃┑鈽嗗灣鏋ù婊勭箞濮婃椽宕ㄦ繝鍌氼潊闂佸搫鎳忕换鍫濈暦閵忥紕顩烽悗锝庡亐閹锋椽姊绘笟鍥т簼缂佸鍨甸悾鐢稿幢濡偐顔曟繛杈剧到閸熻法鈧凹鍘奸埢宥夋偐閻愭垝绨婚梺鍝勭▉閸嬪嫭绂掗敃鍌涚厽闁规崘娉涢弸鎴犵磼缂佹ḿ绠炴俊顐㈠暙閳藉鈻庤箛锝喰熼梻鍌欑劍婵炲﹪寮ㄦ潏鈺傛殰闁绘劕鐏氶~鏇㈡煙閻戞ɑ灏扮紓宥呮喘閺屾洘绻涢崹顔煎闁荤姴娲ㄩ崑銈咁潖閾忚瀚氶柍銉ㄦ珪閻忓秹姊洪懡銈呮毐闁哄懐濞€婵″瓨鎷呴懖婵囨瀹曘劑顢橀悩鎻捫曞┑锛勫亼閸婃牜鏁幒鏂哄亾濮樼厧澧扮紒顔肩墛瀵板嫰骞囬鐘插妇闂備礁澹婇崑鍛崲瀹ュ憘锝堛亹閹烘挾鍘介梺瑙勫礃濞夋盯寮稿☉銏$厽闁瑰灝鍟禍鎵偓瑙勬礀閻栧吋淇婇幖浣规櫆閻熸瑥瀚铏圭磽閸屾艾鈧兘鎳楅懜鍨弿闁绘垼妫勭壕濠氭煏閸繍妲搁柦鍐枑缁绘盯骞嬪▎蹇曚患闂佺粯鎸婚惄顖炲蓟濞戙垹绠涢柍杞扮椤棗鈹戦垾鍐茬骇闁告梹娲濋悘鍐⒑缂佹﹫鑰挎繛浣冲嫮顩锋繝濠傚娴滄粓鏌熺€涙ḿ绠ユ俊顖楀亾闁诲孩顔栭崳顕€宕戞繝鍌滄殾闁圭儤顨嗛崐鐑芥煛婢跺鐏╂俊缁㈠枛閳规垿鎮╅鑲╀紘濠电偛顦伴惄顖濇婵炲鍘ч悺銊╁磿閹捐崵鍙撻柛銉e妿閳洟鏌嶉柨瀣伌闁诡喖缍婂畷鎯邦槻缂佺嫏鍥ㄧ厱闁绘劕妯婂Σ褰掓煏閸パ冾伃妞ゃ垺娲熸慨鈧柍鍝勫€愰敃鍌涚厽闁规儳宕埀顒佺箞瀵鍨鹃幇浣告倯闁硅壈鎻徊鐓幮уΔ鍛仭婵犲﹤鎳庨。濂告偨椤栨稑绗у瑙勬礃缁轰粙宕ㄦ繝鍕箺闂備礁缍婇崑濠囧礈濞嗘垹妫憸鏂款嚕閸洖閱囨繝闈涚墕閳潧鈹戦纭烽練婵炲拑缍侀獮鎴﹀礋椤栨鈺呮煏婢舵稑顩ù婊勭墪閳规垿鎮╅幇浣告櫛闂佸摜濮靛畝绋款嚕椤愶絿绡€婵﹩鍓氬Σ顒€鈹戦悙鏉戠仧闁搞劌婀辩划濠氭晲婢跺鍙嗛梺鍝勫暙閸婄懓鈻嶉弴銏$厱婵☆垰鍚嬮弳顒佹叏婵犲啯銇濈€规洘顨婇幊鏍煘閸喕娌梻鍌欑閹碱偊骞婅箛鏇犵煓闁圭儤姊婚惌澶愭煙閻戞ê鐏嶉柛顐邯閺屾盯顢曢妶鍛亖闂佸憡蓱閹瑰洭骞冨畡鎵冲牚闁告洦鍘鹃悡澶愭倵鐟欏嫭绀冪紒顔肩焸閿濈偛鈹戠€e灚鏅為梺缁樺姇閻°劑濡靛┑瀣厵妞ゆ柨鎼悘鏌ユ煙椤旂懓澧查柟顖涙閺佹劙宕堕妸锔炬闂傚倷娴囧畷鐢稿窗閹邦喖鍨濈€广儱顦崹鍌炴煕閿旇骞栭柛銊︾箞閹綊宕堕妸褋鍋炲┑鈩冨絻閻楀﹥绌辨繝鍥舵晬闁绘劕鐡ㄩ弳鐘差渻閵堝骸浜滅紒澶嬫尦閸╃偤骞嬮敃鈧悡锟犳煕閳╁喚娈樺ù鐘虫尦濮婅櫣绮欏▎鎯у壉闂佸憡姊归悷銉╊敋閿濆绠瑰ù锝呮憸閸旓箑顪冮妶鍡楃瑨閻庢凹鍙冮崺娑㈠箳濡や胶鍘遍柣蹇曞仜婢т粙骞婇崨顔轰簻闁挎梻鍘ч々顒傜磼鏉堛劍灏い鎾炽偢瀹曨亪宕橀妸銈囩煑闂備焦宕樺畷鐢稿磻閵堝钃熸繛鎴炵矤濡茬厧顪冮妶鍐ㄥ婵☆偅绻傞悾鐑藉箛閺夊潡鏁滃┑掳鍊撻懗鍫曞矗閸℃稒鈷戦柛婵嗗瀹告繈鏌涚€n偆娲撮柛鈹惧亾濡炪倖宸婚崑鎾绘煙閼恒儳鐭嬬紒鏃傚枛瀵挳鎮㈤搹鍦婵犳鍠楅敃鈺呭储婵傜ǹ鐒垫い鎺戝€归弳顒勬煛鐏炶濡奸柍瑙勫灴瀹曞崬鈽夐幍浣镐壕婵°倕鎳忛悡娑㈡倵閿濆骸澧柡瀣洴閺屸€崇暆鐎n剛袦濡ょ姷鍋炲玻鍧楀焵椤掍胶鈯曞畝锝呮健钘濋柕濞炬櫆閳锋垿姊婚崼鐔衡姇闁瑰吋鍔欓幃妤€顫濋銏犵ギ闂佺粯渚楅崳锝呯暦閸洦鏁嗛柍褜鍓涚划鍫ュ醇濠㈡繂缍婇弫鎰板炊閵娿儲鐣┑鐐差嚟婵潙锕㈡潏鈺傤潟闁规崘顕х壕鍏肩箾閸℃ê绗掗柛妯峰墲缁绘繂鈻撻崹顔界亾闂佽桨绀侀…宄邦嚕椤愶箑绀冩い鏃傗拡濞煎﹪姊洪棃娑氬闁硅櫕鎹囬獮妤呭即閵忊檧鎷洪梺鍦瑰ù椋庣不閹炬番浜滈柨鏂跨仢瀹撳棛鈧娲橀崹鍨暦閻旂⒈鏁嶆繛鎴炶壘楠炴劕鈹戦悩顔肩伇婵炲鐩、鏍川鐎涙ê鈧爼鏌曟径娑滅濞存粍绮嶉妵鍕箛閳轰胶浠鹃梺鐟板悑閸旀瑩寮诲鍥ㄥ枂闁告洦鍋嗘导灞筋渻閵堝啫鐏柣鐔濆啠妲堥柣銏犳啞閸婂鏌i敐鍛板鐎殿喛妫勯埞鎴︽偐閸偅姣勯梺绋款儐閻╊垶鐛箛娑樼闁绘ǹ灏欑粵蹇涙⒑閸撹尙鍘涢柛鐕傜秮閺佹劖寰勬繝鍕澑闂備礁鎼ˇ鍐测枖閺囥埄鏁婂┑鐘叉处閳锋垿鏌i悢鍛婄凡闁哄棜浜惀顏嗙磼閵忕姴绫嶉悗瑙勬磻閸楀啿顕f禒瀣垫晣闁绘劖顔栭崯鍥煟閻斿摜鐭屽褎顨堥弫顕€骞掑Δ鈧粻鏌ユ煠閸濄儱浠ù婊勭矒閺岀喖骞戦幇顓犮€愰梺鍝勵儏鐎涒晝鎹㈠☉銏犲窛妞ゆ梻鍋撻崳鏉库攽椤旂》宸ユい顓炲槻閻g兘骞掗幋顓熷兊濡炪倖鍨煎Λ鍕閸撗€鍋撻悷鏉款仾闁革絿顥愰妵鎰板箳閹寸姴鈧偛顪冮妶鍡楃瑨妞わ缚鍗冲鏌ヮ敂閸喎浠┑鐘诧工閸熸壆绮荤紒姗嗘闁绘劖娼欓悘鏉戔攽椤旂懓浜鹃梻渚€娼ч悧鍡涘箠閹伴偊鏁囬柛婵嗗閺€浠嬫煟濡偐甯涙繛鎳峰洦鐓熸俊銈傚亾闁挎洏鍊濋崺銏ゅ箻鐠囨彃宓嗛梺闈涚箚濡狙囧箯濞差亝鈷戦柛娑橈功閳藉鏌ㄩ弴顏嗙暤闁糕斂鍎插鍕箛椤撶姴寮抽梻浣告惈濞村倹绂嶉悙鍝勭畺濠靛倸鎲¢悡娆愵殽閻愯尙浠㈤柣蹇氬皺閳ь剝顫夊ú鏍х暦椤掑嫬鐓″璺号堥弸搴ㄦ煙鐎涙ḿ绠撶紒鐘虫そ濮婂宕掑▎鎴犵崲濠电偘鍖犻崨顔煎簥闂佺硶鍓濈粙鎴犵不閻樿櫕鍙忔俊顖涘绾箖鏌熺涵鍛厫闁靛洤瀚伴獮妯兼崉閻╂帇鍎甸弻锝夊箳閹存瑥浠梺鍝勭焿缁查箖骞嗛弮鍫晬婵犲﹤鎲涢敐澶嬧拺缂佸顑欓崕搴ㄦ煟閹虹偛顩紒顔碱儏椤撳ジ宕ㄩ鍕闂備礁澹婇崑鍡涘窗閹捐鍌ㄩ柟闂寸劍閸婂灚顨ラ悙鑼虎闁告梹宀搁弻娑㈡偆娴i晲绨兼繛锝呮搐閿曘儳绮嬮幒鏂哄亾閿濆骸浜為柛妯圭矙濮婃椽妫冨☉鎺戞倣缂備胶濮甸崹鍧楀箖濮椻偓閺佸啴宕掑☉姘妇闂備焦鎮堕崕婊堝礃閸欍儳纾鹃梺璇插椤旀牠宕抽鈧畷婊堟偄妞嬪孩娈鹃梺缁樶缚缁垶顢撻幇鐗堚拺闁告稑锕ら崵顒勬煕鐎n亜顏柛鈺冨仱楠炲鏁傜紒妯绘珦缂備胶铏庨崢楣冨礂濡吋顐介柡澶嬪灍閺€浠嬫煟閹邦剙绾ч悗姘噽缁辨挸顓奸崟顓犵崲闂佺粯渚楅崰妤€顕ラ崟顖氱疀妞ゆ帒鍋嗛崯瀣繆閻愵亜鈧牕螞娓氣偓瀹曟垿骞囬崗顐㈡喘瀵泛鈻庨悙顒€鐦滈梻渚€娼ч悧鍡椢涘Δ鍛敜濠电姴娲﹂悡鏇㈡倵閿濆骸浜濈€规洖鐭傞弻锛勪沪閸撗勫垱濡ょ姷鍋為敋闁伙絿鍏樺畷鍫曞煘椤戞儳濡奸柍瑙勫灴椤㈡瑧娑甸柨瀣毎婵犵绱曢崑妯煎垝濞嗘挻鍋樻い鏇楀亾鐎殿喕绮欓、姗€鎮㈢亸浣镐壕闁绘垼濮ら悡娆戠磽娴e顏呯┍椤栨稓绠鹃柣鎾抽叄椤庢鏌嶇憴鍕伌闁诡喗鐟╅幊鐘活敆娴g懓鏋涚紓鍌氬€风欢锟犲窗閺嶎偅宕查柟鐗堟緲閻撴繈鏌¢崒姘辨皑婵℃彃鐗撻弻鏇$疀婵犲啯鐝曢梺鍝勬媼娴滎亜顫忓ú顏勭閹艰揪绲块悾闈涱渻閵堝繒绱扮紒顔界懃椤曪綁顢曢敃鈧粈鍐┿亜閺冨倹娅曢柛娆忔閳规垿鎮╃紒妯婚敪濠碘槅鍋呴〃濠傤嚕閸愭祴鏋庣€电増绻勯幊鎾汇偑娴兼潙绀嬫い鎾跺Х閺夎姤绻濆▓鍨灈闁挎洏鍎遍—鍐寠婢跺本娈鹃梺闈涒康婵″洨寮ч埀顒勬⒑缁嬫寧婀伴柛鎴犳嚀宀f寧绻濋崶銊㈡嫽婵炶揪绲介幉锟犲箚閸儲鐓欓柛鎰皺缁犳娊鏌熼獮鍨伈鐎规洜鍘ч埞鎴﹀醇閻斿壊鍟庨梻鍌欑窔濞佳勵殽韫囨洘顫曢柡鍥e亾閳ь剙鎳橀幃婊堟嚍閵夈儮鍋撻悽鍛婄叆婵犻潧妫濋妤€霉濠婂懎浠遍柡灞剧☉铻i柛蹇撳悑濮e牆鈹戦纭烽練婵炲拑绲块崚鎺戔枎閹寸偛纾梺闈浤涚仦鑺ユ珡闂傚倸鍊烽懗鑸电仚濡炪倖鍨靛Λ婵嗙暦濠靛棌鏋庨煫鍥风到濞堛劑姊洪崨濠傚婵☆垰锕ゅ玻鍧楀Ω閳哄倻鍘撻悷婊勭矒瀹曟粓鎮㈡總澶婃闁荤姴娲︾粊鏉懳i崼銉︾厪闊洦娲栭~宥夋煃閸濆嫭鍣洪柣鎾崇箰椤潡鎳滃妤婁邯瀵悂濡舵径瀣幈濠殿喗锕╅崜锕傚磿閺冨牊鐓欐い鏃傜摂濞堟﹢鏌熼崣澶嬪唉鐎规洜鍠栭、妤呭焵椤掑媻鍥煛閸涱喒鎷洪梺纭呭亹閸嬫稒鎱ㄩ埀顒€鈹戦悙宸Ч闁烩晩鍨堕妴浣割潩閼稿灚娅滈梺绯曞墲閻熝囨儊閸績鏀芥い鏃€鏋绘笟娑㈡煕鎼达絾鏆┑鈩冩倐閸╋繝宕掑⿰鍐ㄦ辈闂傚倷绀侀幖顐﹀疮閻樿纾婚柟鍓х帛閻撴洟骞栧ǎ顒€鐏╅柍缁樻礋閺岋絽鈽夐崡鐐寸亪濡炪倖鎸搁崥瀣嚗閸曨厸鍋撻敍鍗炲椤忕儤绻濋悽闈涗哗闁规椿浜炲濠冪鐎n亞鐤呴梺璺ㄥ枔婵挳鎮块鈧弻锝夊箛椤旂厧濡洪梺缁樻尰濞叉﹢濡甸崟顖f晣闁绘棃顥撴禒鎾⒑鐠囨煡鐛滃┑鈥虫喘閸┾偓妞ゆ帒鍠氬ḿ鎰箾閸欏鑰跨€规洘绻傞埢搴ょ疀閿濆懏顓垮┑鐐差嚟婵挳顢栭幇鏉挎瀬闁告劦鍠楅悡鐔兼煛閸愩劍澶勯柤鐢垫嚀椤法鎲撮崟顒傤槬闂佸疇顫夐崹鍧椼€佸▎鎴犵<闁规儳澧庣粣妤呮⒒娴e懙褰掝敄閸℃稑绠板Δ锝呭暙閻掑灚銇勯幒宥堝厡闁哥喐鐓¢弻鐔煎礄閵堝棗顏�查看更多



I feel very excited at the thought that in another week I shall be with you again on holiday. I have enjoyed my stay in England very much indeed. Mr Brown and classmates are nice to me, but, as they say in England, “There’s no place like home.” and I think you feel this above all at Christmas time.

I am leaving here early on Thursday, the 23rd, and I shall arrive in Basle on Friday morning, so I shall be home somewhere about lunchtime. Can you meet me at the station, as I shall have a lot of luggage?

In some of my earlier letters I have told you all about the other students here. Well, I want to ask my Polish friend Jan to come and spend Christmas with us. Will that be all right? His father and mother died last year, he can go home for Christmas, and he has no friend in England except the Browns. He is a nice boy. I know you all like him, and I feel sure he will enjoy Christmas with us. It is very short notice, but you are always pleased, I know, if we bring our friends home. however, I have not yet invited him, as I thought it was better to ask you first. Please let me know as soon as possible if it will be all right.

The writer was very excited at the thought that ________.

A. she would be back home with her new friend

B. she would be with her parents in another week

C. her parents wanted to see her very much

D. she would go on staying in England

She wanted some one to meet her because ________.

A. she was told to do so                          B. she would be tired out after the trip

C. she would carry a pile of things            D. she didn’t know where the station was

The underlined sentence “There’s no place like home” means ________.

A. There is not a place that the writer likes     

B. There is no place that the writer can live in

C. The writer’s home is not in London in fact   

D. East and west, home is best

These paragraphs are taken out of a ________.

A. magazine              B. letter                  C. book                  D. newspaper


     Computer programmer David Jones earns $35,000 a year designing new computer games, yet he cannot found a bank ready to let him have a credit card. Instead, he has been told to wait another two years, until he is 18. The 16-year-old works for a small firm in Liverpool, where the problem of most young people of his age is finding a job. David's firm releases(推出) two new games for the fast growing computer market each month.

    But David's biggest headache is what to do with his money. Even though he earns a lot, he cannot drive a car, take out a mortgage(抵押貨款),or get credit cards. David got his job with the Liverpool-based company four months ago, a year after leaving school with six O-levels and working for a time in a computer shop. “I got the job because the people who run the firm knew I had already written some programs,” he said. David spends some of his money on records and clothes, and gives his mother 50 pounds a week. But most of his spare time is spent working.

“Unfortunately, computing was not part of our studies at school,” he said, “But I had been studying is in books and magazines for four years in my spare time. I knew what I wanted to do and never considered staying on at school. Most people in this business are fairly young, anyway.” David added: “I would like to earn a million and I suppose early retirement is a possibility. You never know when the market might disappear.”

In which way is David different from people of his age?

A. He often goes out with friends.

B. He lives with his mother.

C. He has a handsome income.

D. He graduated with six O-levels.

What is one of the problems that David is facing now?

A. He is too young to get a credit card.

B. He has no time to learn driving.

C. He has very little spare time.

D. He will soon lose his job.

Why was David able to get the job in the company?

A. He had done well in all his exams.

B. He had written some computer programs.

C. He was good at playing computer games.

D. He had learnt to use computers at school.

Why did David decide to leave school and start working?

A. He received lots of job offers.

B. He was eager to help his mother.

C. He lost interest in school studies.

D. He wanted to earn his own living.


       Harald Kaas was sixty. His back became rounded, and he bent a little. His forehead, always of the broadest-no one else’s hat would fit him - was now one of the highest, that is to say, he had lost all his teeth, which were strong though small, and blackened by smoking. Now, instead of “deuce take it” he said “deush take it”. He had always held his hands half closed as though grasping something; now they stiffened so that he could never open them fully. The little finger of his ldft hand had been bitten off. According to Harald’s version of the story, the fellow swallowed the piece on the spot.

       He was fond of showing off the ldft part, and it often served as an introduction to the history of brave adventures, which became greater and greater and greater as he grew older and quieter. His small sharp eyes were deep set and looked at one with great intensity. There wsa power in his individuality. He has no lack of self-respect.

       His house, raised on an old foundation, looked out to the south over many islands; farther out were more islands and the open sea. Its eastern wing was barely half furnished, and the western inhabited by Harald Kaas. These wings were connected by a gallery, behind which were the fields and woods to the north.

In the gallery itself were heads of bears, wolves, foxes and lynxes and stuffed birds from land and sea. Skins and guns hung on the walls of the front room. The inner rooms were also full of skins and filled with the smell of wild animals and tobacco-smoke. Harald himself called it “man-smell”; no one who had once put his nose inside could ever forget it. Valuable and beautiful skins hung on the walls and sat, and walked on skins, and each one of them was a subject of conversation. Harald Kaas, seated in his log chair by the fireside, his feet on the bearskin, opened his shirt to show the scars on his hairy chest (and what scars they were) which had been made by a bears teeth, when he had driven his knife, right up to the end, into the monster’s heart. All the tables, and cupboards, and carved chairs listened in their silence.

68.Who or what most probably bit harald Kaass’ little finger off?

       A.On of his fellow hunters

B.An adversary in a boxing match

C.A wild animal 

D.One of his hunting dogs

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  • 查看答案和解析>>


    1.As he has no opportunity to achieve his a________, he intends to leave from the company.

    2. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is ________ (有益的) to people.

    3. I’m interested in the classical ___________(文學(xué)) of France.

    4. I offer you my hearty c______________ on your success.

    5. They  will __________(宣布)  the results of the election soon.

    6. Tom and Jane want to get d__________ .That means they intend to end their marriage.

    7.To his ______________ (滿意), he passed the examination.

    8.His strength was s__________ to death.

    9. The clouds were r______________  in the lake. Didn’t you see them?

    10.The sailor had to a___________ the sinking ship.


    Makoto、Mr. Zheng、Mr. Zhu、Jack 和Xiao Wang 正在廣州尋找合適的餐廳,第61-65題是對他們個人情況的介紹。閱讀下列餐廳的信息(A、B、C、D、E、F),選出符合他們各人需要的最佳選擇。選項中有一項是多余的。
    【小題1】Makoto is a Japanese tourist who has stayed in Guangzhou for a few days. He wants to make a tour of North China but unfortunately he has no time. So he would like to find a restaurant where he can taste northern food and experience the life in the north.
    【小題2】Mr. Zheng was born in Hunan but went to Japan at an early age. This time he came to Guangzhou to deal with some business affairs. Coming back to his homeland after being away for about 20 years, he hopes to find a restaurant serving food of his home town.
    【小題3】It is the first time for Mr. Zhu, who comes from the northeast of China, to visit Guangdong Province. He is interested in traditional Cantonese food and Cantonese lifestyle.
    【小題4】 Jack is a successful businessman. He is flying to Guangzhou to meet some people, who are likely to sign a contract with him. He wants to find a high quality restaurant. Of course, it is the quality rather than the price that he cares about.
    【小題5】 Xiao Wang, a migrant worker in Guangzhou, plans to hold a party with his 10 friends. All of them are fond of the Sichuan cuisine. Xiao Wang hopes to spend less than 600 yuan for the dinner.

    Nanhai Yucun Restaurant
    Founded in 1986, Nanhai Yucun Restaurant has always been one of the gourmets’ choices in Guangzhou.
    Prices are high, but so is the quality. Just look at the gust list; the King and Queen of Spain, South Korea’s Prime Minister and his wife have eaten here, along with lots of local famous people.
    Dongbeiren is meant for northerners. The decoration is basically red—from the paper cuts and the curtains to the Kang (a bed with a table where people can sit comfortably without shoes and with their legs folded). It is perhaps a way to remind the northerners of home or for other people to get in touch with the north. 
    Taotaoju Restaurant
    Taotaoju Restaurant is one of Guangzhou’s most well-known traditional Cantonese restaurants, located in a historic building in the heart of the city’s Xiguan District.
    You can’t get any more traditional Guangzhou than this, which is a great place for dim sum and seafood. You haven’t lived in Guangzhou until you’ve eaten dim sum in a true local place like Taotaoju. It’s also a popular spot for parties.
    Chongqing Xiaodongtian Restaurant
    It’s one of the top Sichuan cuisine restaurants in Guangzhou, featuring Chongqing flavor.
    It is a group of chain restaurants in Guangzhou. The food is Sichuan style, but the decoration and surroundings are a bit old.
    Like most Sichuan restaurants, the pleasant smell of their traditional hot pot spreads throughout the whole place.
    Food here is medium-priced, around 50 RMB per person.
    Maojia Reastaurant
    Maojia Reastaurant is a local favorite for strong-flavored Hunan dishes.
    It has a strong cultural atmosphere related to Chairman Mao and also introduces Maojia dishes characteristic of tasty Hunan local flavors, which are a bit softer than the traditional Hunan flavor.
    Enmi Japanese Reastaurant
    The decoration here is beautiful and peaceful.
    A small “courtyard of bamboo” is refreshing while the space between tables is large and comfortable. The diverse sashimi (raw fish slices) is a must-try here.
    The food, however, is served slow and the regulated tow hours for ordering is strange.

