Everyone makes in his life. 查看更多



I have decided ________ him for his mistake ________ everyone makes mistakes in life.

[  ]

forgiving; but


to forgive; when


to forgive; since


forgiving; until



1. Last year, we planted _____ (hundred) of trees in our village.

2. Everyone makes _______ (mistake) in his life.

3. His father taught ______(he) French when he was seven years old.

4. There are many________(foreign) to visit China every year.

5. We live on the land all by________(we).

6. The old woman looks very________(worry).

7. Why not ________(buy) a camera for her?

8. Look! Someone________(wait) for you.

9. Tell the students________(not play) in the street.

10. That’s a famous story ________(write) by Jane Eyre.


1. September is the ______(nine) month of the year.
2. The boy from Class Two was the first past the ______(finish) line.
3. Last year, we planted ______(hundred) of trees in our village.
4. His father taught ______(he) French when he was seven years old.
5. The girl is writing a diary ______(careful) now.
6. I ______(work) all night writing an important report for the next meeting.
7. Everyone makes _______ (mistake) in his life.
8. Thank you for ______ us so much (help).
9. This music is so ______ (difficulty) to play.
10. To ______ (he) surprise, his dog was saved in the end.



  Hu Jia is a 2nd grader at Shanghai Fudan Junior Middle School.She had her Chinese class two weeks ago.But she is still excited talking about it.

"It's time to talk about poems.But our teacher asked us to go on to the class blog(博客), a website for our class." Hu said.

  Her teacher, Zhang Dianchun , put some nice poems on the blog.The class talked freely about each poem.

  Hu is a shy girl and she doesn't often put her hand up in class.But this time it's different."I typed in what I thought about the poems.The teacher typed back and said I was doing well."

  Fudan Junior started to have blogs for teachers and students early this year.

A blog is like a diary on a website.It has messages about lots of different things kept by date.Using a blog at school makes teacher-student talk easily, clearly and fast.

"On our school's blog , everyone must use their real name.That's how it is different from other online talks." said Zhang Xuan , a teacher at the school.

It is a great way to learn on blog.

  Each class has its own blog.They have lessons on the blog.After school, students can still talk to each other or to their teachers about problems in study or life.Zhang said every day there are about 200 students talking on their class blog.

"It's cool.You can tell teachers something you might never dare to say face to face." said Hu.

  Teachers and students are friends on the blog.They talk openly.Once Zhang even told his students about a mistake he had made.

  "Our class teacher is not mysterious(神秘的)any more.We are close." said Xu Jie , one of Zhang's students.

  Zhou Peifei said the blog helped her study better."Once at night I put a question on our class blog , and I quickly got the answer from a classmate."


What has made Hu Jia so excited about her Chinese class?

[  ]


The teacher talked about poems


She could write out what she thought of the poems on paper


She put up her hand in class


She used the Internet to talk about poems


What do you know about a blog?

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It's a message


It's like a diary online


It's a website


It's the Internet


How is the school blog different from other online talks?

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It's about study


Only teachers and students can join it


Everyone must use their real name


They can have lessons on the blog


What can the teachers and students do on the class blog?

[  ]


Students can talk to each other or their teachers about problems in study or life


They can have lessons


They can be friends


All above


What do the students think of the class blog?

[  ]


It's helpful


It's helpless


It's mysterious


It's a waste of time

