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科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

21、Item 1:

    The most common disease in the world is the cold.It often starts with a sore throat.You sneeze and your nose runs.You usually have a headache,too.Often you have a cough later.It's not a serious disease,but you can feel quite bad.There isn't a cure(良藥)for a cold,but you can take medicines to make you feel better.For example,you can take aspirin(阿司匹林)to get rid of your headache.It is good to rest,and to drink a lot of water, too.

    Item 2:

    What makes us ill? It is germs(細菌).Germs are everywhere.They are very small and you can't see them with a microscope.They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small object.Germs are always found in dirty water.When we look at dirty water under the microscope,we can see them.This is why your parents stop you drinking dirty water.

    Item 3:

    It is very important to keep yourself in good health.If you are sick,you can neither study nor enjoy yourself.One of the factors(因素)leading to good health is a balanced diet.You need to eat more fruits and vegetables which contain(包括)a lot of fiber(纖維).

1.News items l tells us that a cold often starts with                

A.a(chǎn) headache                                              B.a(chǎn) cough

C.a(chǎn) pain in your throat                                   D.feeling a little cold

2.What should we do when we catch a cold?

A.Take a medicine.                                  

B.Have a good rest.

C.Wait for a week.                       

D.Rest,drink a lot of water and take medicine.

3.News item 2 tells us a microscope is used for                    

A.making very small things look much smaller

B.making very small things look much bigger

C.helping you read newspapers and books

D.helping you to see more clearly

4.Our parents stop us drinking dirty water because                

A.it can be found almost everywhere

B.it doesn't cost any money to buy

C.there must be lots of germs in it

D.drinking too much water will make us ill

5.From News item 3,we know to stay healthy, one should                

A.eat whenever possible

B.eat food that tastes good

C.have a balanced diet

D.diet to lose weight


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

20、“Life is speeding up.Everyone is getting unwell.’’

This may sound like something someone would say today.But in fact,an unknown person who lived in Rome in 53AD(公元)wrote it.

    We all love new inventions.They are exciting,amazing and can even change our lives.

But have all these developments really improved the quality of our lives?

Picture this.You're rushing to finish your homework on the computer.Your mobile phone rings,a QQ message from your friend appears on the screen,the noise from the television is getting louder and louder.Suddenly the computer goes blank and you lose all your work.Now you have to stay up all night to get it done.How happy do you feel?

    Inventions have speeded up our lives so much that they often leave up feeling stressed(有壓力的)and tired.Why do you think people who live far away from noisy cities,who have no telephones,no car,not even any electricity often seem to be happier? Perhaps because they live simple lives.

    One family in the UK went ” back in time” to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today.The grandparents,with their daughter,and grandsons Benjamin,10 and Thomas,7,spent nine weeks in a 1940s house.They had no washing machine,microwave,computer or mobile phones.

    The grandmother, Lyn,said,“The more things you have,the more difficult life becomes.”The boy said they fought less.Probably, they said,because there was less to fight over such as their computer.Benjamin also noticed that his grandmother had changed from being a” trendy(新潮人物),beer-drinking granny, to one who cooked things”.

1.The writer uses the quote(引用)at the beginning of the story to                   

A.tell us a truth about our life

B.tell us what life was like long time ago

C.point out what causes such a thing to happen

D.point out that you experience some big problems and they may be the same

2.In the passage the writer describes a picture to show that new inventions                

A.have speeded up our lives

B.have improved the quality of our lives

C.may make people feel very happy

D.may bring people some trouble

3.The family chose to spend some time in a l 940s house because                

A.they loved to live simple lives

B.they wanted to know how people lived without modem inventions

C.they were troubled by modem inventions

D.1iving in a different time would be a lot of fun for them

4.According to the passage,which is NOT right? 

A.People who live far away from noise often seem to be happier.

B.An unknown Roman was sure that the quality of life would get better.

C.The family had some changes when they lived in a l 940s house

D.With the improvement of our lives, we often feel stressed and tired.

5.The passage is mainly about                 

A.problems with technology

B.improvements of our lives with technology

C.changes happening to technology

D.the importance of technology


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

19、There was once a stonecutter who was not happy with his life.

    One day, he passed a rich man's house.Through the windows he saw many fine things and important visitors.’’How great that rich man must be!’ thought the stonecutter.He wished that he could be like him.

    To his great surprise,he suddenly became the rich man.He began to enjoy all the good things in life.But then one day he saw a high official passing by,carried in a chair.Everyone had to bow before him.“How great that official is!” he thought.“1 wish that I could be like him.

    He became the high official,carried everywhere in his chair, and was hated by all the people.It was a hot summer day, and the official felt very uncomfortable in his chair.He looked up at the sun.“How great the sun is!” he thought.“l(fā) wish that I could be the sun!”

    He became the sun,shining down on everyone.But a huge black cloud moved between him and the Earth,so that his light could no longer shine down.“how powerful that storm cloud is!” he thought.1 wish that I could be a cloud!”

    He became the cloud.Everyone who didn't like clouds shouted at him.He soon found himself pushed away by the wind.“How great the wind is!” he thought.”I wish that I could be the wind!”

   Then he became the wind,blowing the roofs of houses.After a while,he ran up against something that would not move—a huge stone.“How great that stone is!’ he thought” I wish I could be a stone!”

    He became the stone.But as he stood there,he heard the sound of a hammer and felt himself being changed.“What could be greater that I become a stonecutter than a stone!” he thought.He looked down and saw far below him a stonecutter.

1.The stonecutter wanted to be a high official because                  

A.he wanted to enjoy the good things in life

B.he wanted people to bow down to him

C.he enjoyed being carried around all day

D.he enjoyed talking with important visitors

2.The stonecutter became                 after he was the wind.

A.the sun                  B.a(chǎn) cloud                  C.a(chǎn) stone                   D.a(chǎn)n official

3.From the story we understand the stonecutter might have become                    after being a stone.

A.a(chǎn) stonecutter          B.the wind                C.a(chǎn) rich man              D.the sun

4.How many times does the stonecutter change in the story?

A.five                       B.six                        C.seven                     D.eight

5.The story mainly tells us that                 。

A.it's never too late to mend 

B.time lost cannot be won again

C.well begun is half done

D.the grass isn’t always greener on the other side  


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:


  A:Hello, Bruce.What a beautiful day!

  B:Yeah, it is.


  B:Party? What party?

  B:Oh sorry.I forget to tell you we've moved to a new house and we are having a party tomorrow.2                 ?

  A:Sure,I'd love to.But 3                   ?

  B:It's No.168 on Xingfu Road.

  B:4                 ?

  A:Oh, it will start at 6:30 in the evening.

  B:OK.I'll be there on time.See you then.








(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

16、Either you or I                     right.

A.is                 B.a(chǎn)m               C.a(chǎn)re                 D.were







(每空? 分,共? 分)




科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

15、—They had a pleasant time in the mountains last month.


A.So did they            B.So they did            C.So they had            D.So had they


科目: 來源:czyy 題型:

14、You can find the following INSTRUCTIONS on        


A.food             B.money            C.clothes                      D.books

